Thursday, August 03, 2006

Catalogue of the McClean collection of Greek coins

Catalogue of the McClean collection of Greek coins, Fitzwilliam Museum. Provided by ABZU (whatever that is. It's at the University of Michigan).

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3

Hundreds of plates! However, the plates are low-quality .gifs, even using the "large" option. Unlike yesterday's BMC Cyprus, there is no way to get high-resolution .tifs for better manual processing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ed, the ABZU links for the McClean volumes are no longer valid. The plates I have from another download are really grotty and I need decent copies of plates 300 to 307.
Any tips ? all the best from Dane K.

Ed Snible said...

I found new links to AZBU but these books are now restricted to University of Michigan library users.

Digital Library Numis, , records links to Russian download sites. Unfortunately only the link to volume 3 is working. Luckily, it is volume 3 that you need.