Four months ago a user on the forum /r/coins posted a machine-struck token or coin with an unusual inscription.
I cannot identify the script. It seems like each letter (or syllable) is made up of one or two parts of a square plus a curve. That's unusual. It doesn't show up in any of the examples my browser can render in Wikipedias list of writing systems. Because of the lines+curve nature of the script I was thinking an alphasyllabary script or the 'Phags-pa Mongolian script. I thought it looks a little like Tamil but not really.
One side depicts what appears to be a club. The other sign shows a bird, probably a falcon, carrying something odd-shaped. The shape in the eagle's talons could just represent a rock or something but I am thinking perhaps an outline of an island or province. The style of art used to depict the bird is unusual. No coin relief, no feathers. Just a line drawing with simplified wings really. That's unusual … most coin artists like to show off by doing really detailed feathers.
I do not have the item in-hand and I don't know the size, weight, or composition.
I don't believe this is a real coin. For a while I thought it might be a fantasy coin or micro-nation. Maybe it is just designed to confuse. I am posting it here because we all love a mystery once in a while.
I'm still thinking about this token, seven years later.
Some of the letters in the obsolete poetical script Sylheti Nagri seem similar to the letters on this coin. Compare the club side to ??ꠐꠛ? ?ꠙ?ꠈꠐꠐꠎ?.
The shape reminds me of Reunion, but it isn't an exact match.
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